Sunday School

We are trying something new! During this time of pandemic, we are going to be doing Sunday School remotely. Thanks to the creative mind and leadership of Sheila Clark, we have developed a program in the form of a game that will take our kids on a faithful journey through the end of the Advent Season. The game will officially start on September 20th, however, kids can start whenever they are able. Materials will be distributed by mail to anyone who is interested in “attending.” There will also be some packets available for pickup at the church during our normal business hours.

There are dates associated with each square on the game board, but you can follow your own pace as best suits your learning. Each square will have an associated activity: either a lesson, a craft, or a zoom meeting. Once you’ve completed four squares, you are eligible for a prize from the treasure box. You must show pictures of your work to Sheila by text (906-386-2213), e-mail ([email protected]), or by dropping them off at the church mailbox. 

Prize distribution will be arranged outside of the church building between the student and Sheila. Once a child completes all 25 squares they will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Certificate.

The game will include three zoom meetings with Pastor Tommy for children’s sermons on the last Sunday of every full month (Oct. 25, Nov. 29, and Dec. 27) at 9:30am. We hope you will be able to attend, but if you must miss a meeting they will be recorded so that you can access them later.

Check out the Game Board

Sunday School

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