Backpack Buddies
Our Backpack Buddies program began when our confirmation students noticed a community need back in the fall of 2017. By February 2018, our students were packing food for Emerald Elementary School children who might otherwise go hungry for the weekend. The program only grew from that initial confirmation class project. It gained broader support from our congregation and community, and today it thrives thanks to our volunteers and continued generous support from people like you. We now provide food for hundreds of children and their families year round. We give out food from our parking lot every last Thursday of the month.
If you would like to support this vital food justice ministry, monetary donations are preferred. You can designate funds for our Backpack Buddies program straight from our online giving page. Or you can donate by cash or check in person. Food donations must be non-perishable, such as: small boxes of cereal, mac & cheese, instant oatmeal, breakfast bars, ramen noodles, fruit cups, pop-top cans of spaghettios/raviolis, applesauce cups, pudding/Jell-O, dried fruit, microwave popcorn bags, cheese & crackers/peanut butter crackers, Rice Krispies bars, animal crackers/graham crackers, etc.